Why is there a cost for the weekend?
Even though everyone working in National Marriage Encounter is a volunteer, the cost
for week-end lodging, meals, supplies, and other expenses must be paid. You may contribute the full amount or more if you
are able to help bring Marriage Encounter to others. The program is supported by couple donations. If you feel a special couple
needs to experience a week-end, consider sponsoring a couple through the Make a Donation button on the home page.
Where and when did ME begin?
Marriage Encounter developed in Spain during the mid-1950s as a Christian clergyman
worked with couples seeking help for marriages. It came to Florida in 1966; a English version soon spread across the country.
For more information click:
How do I become a Marriage Encounter volunteer or facilitating couple?
After you have completed a Marriage Encounter week-end, contact Michael and Monica Adeeko to schedule a Marriage Encounter team training weekend. About six weeks before each week-end, team couples and clergy meet
together to prayerfully begin preparation all are trained according to the principles of National Marriage Encounter.
What do individuals say after experiencing a Marriage Encounter weekend?
"The most important thing I received from the week-end was my husband back! Our love
was being put out because of our lack of communication skills. We now have the method by which our marriage can not only be
saved but enriched beyond what I thought was ever possible. We are moving forward together."
"I learned more about myself and my husband. From the presenters, I realized that
its okay to have problems you just have to work at how you come to mutual resolutions."
"When we came to the week-end, we wanted to give our marriage a chance, but really
thought we just didn't like each other anymore. We now know that isnt true. We have truly started to communicate ad already
are noticing a difference."
"I spent quality time with my spouse and really got to know her. The presenters passed
along information and brought up topics that we had not spoken of."
"I thought I knew my husband inside and out, but I found a lot of little crevices
I missed. Now I know why I think he's so special."
"I feel there should be a law requiring all married couples to go through this week-end
every five years."